Why I Started TwoTen Planning

Why I Started TwoTen Planning

Discover how a passion for finance & a calling to serve God led to the creation of TwoTen Planning. Learn how we help Christian entrepreneurs & executives today

Why I Started TwoTen Planning
Stu Sneen, CFA, CFP® | Financial Planner & Founder
May 11, 2024
Financial Planner Stu Sneen sitting with a Client

Why I Am In This Profession

As a young boy growing up in Wisconsin, I recall observing my dad looking up stock quotes in the Wall Street Journal. He also regularly viewed the TV program, Wall $treet Week with Louis Rukeyser. These events piqued my curiosity around money and investing. In high school, I fell in love with my economics, accounting, and personal finance courses. During my senior year, a local financial advisor came to my class to talk about the stock and bond markets, and he outlined how we could have a career helping people with finances. I was hooked and personal finance became my passion! To this day I have a heart for helping people to make sense of their money situation, get financially organized, and make wise investment decisions.

Why I Started TwoTen Planning

  • To glorify God, I believe that I was called by the Lord Jesus to carry out His purpose and plan for my life and to do the work He has prepared for me. He has called me to a new responsibility in life - to be a financial planner. God has blessed me with spiritual gifts, and it’s my job to be a faithful steward of those gifts and use them to advance His Kingdom. TwoTen Planning is my calling and opportunity to serve clients (and God) with the expertise I have successfully acquired and developed over the past 25 years by working for leading financial services companies, including Fidelity Investments and Dimensional Fund Advisors.

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”

-Ephesians 2:10

  • I’m drawn to the idea of being an entrepreneur, where I can own and operate a financial planning practice. I am partnering with God to build an ark that will bring a direct and real impact to the lives of Christ-followers. The business represents an opportunity to blend my faith, spiritual gifts, and professional skills by integrating my Christian beliefs into my vocational calling. The business thereby becomes a conduit to serve and bless God’s people!

Why I Work With Christ-Followers

  • Christians are yearning to engage and do business with other fellow believers who share a common faith in Jesus Christ and hold to a Christian worldview. We believe that our identity is in Christ and that we are to be stewards of the resources God has given to us.
  • We also live in a world that rejects God and morality, and instead loves and celebrates wickedness. It’s time for Christ-followers to come out from the unbelieving world to be separate and purposeful about honoring God with our lives and our money. We need to support, encourage, and pray for one another. We need to advance God’s Kingdom...together.

“You shall not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do according to their works; but you shall utterly overthrow them and completely break down their sacred pillars.”

-Exodus 23:24

What I Am Trying To Accomplish

  • The mission of TwoTen Planning is to help Christian entrepreneurs and executives to glorify God with their money and their life. What does that mean? Two points of clarification:
  • I provide the time and space for clients to explore and become who they were truly meant to be, by helping clients to identify and faithfully step into the life and work that God has prepared for them…the very thing they were created to do (Ephesians 2:10)!
  • I guide clients through the financial planning process to help them make decisions about their money and their life, for their good and God’s glory (1 Timothy 6:18). 

Simply put, I help clients align their money and life with Christ!

A Special Message To Christian Entrepreneurs and Executives

I’ve had the pleasure of interacting with many Christ-following entrepreneurs and executives. I see you and hear you! 


  • are a high-earning, Faith-Driven Entrepreneur or Executive nearing mid-life, with a $2-10M net worth, and have yet to partner with a real financial planner.
  • may be financially unorganized and unprepared for major life events, which could put your family in danger of being wiped out. 
  • are stressed from increased financial complexity and want to avoid a big mistake that costs you money or opportunities.
  • are highly taxed and need proactive strategies to reduce what you pay Uncle Sam.
  • may be invested in companies that are profiting from immoral and unbiblical practices.
  • seek to build Kingdom wealth and glorify God.

You want to work with a Financial Planner who…

  • shares your Christian faith and values, and listens closely to understand you and your situation.
  • co-creates a biblically-wise financial plan with you and guides you through money and life decisions to make sure your financial life is in order.
  • utilizes evidence-based, faith driven investments that are low cost, diversified, and tax-efficient.
  • receives compensation only from clients, not from product sales, commissions or kickbacks.

No more anxiety and frustration with your financial life. Now you can take control of your financial future and go forward feeling confident, secure, and prepared!

I built TwoTen Planning for YOU

Are you ready to align your money and life with God’s Word?

All investing involves risk, including the potential loss of principal. There is no guarantee that any investment plan or strategy will be successful. 

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“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”

-Ephesians 2:10