What’s in a name? TwoTen Planning

What’s in a name? TwoTen Planning

TwoTen Planning is named after Ephesians 2:10. The wealth planning practice provides financial planning for Christian entrepreneurs and executives.

What’s in a name? TwoTen Planning
Stu Sneen, CFA, CFP® | Financial Planner & Founder
May 11, 2024
Ephesians and a calculator

TwoTen Planning is named after Ephesians 2:10.

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”

Here is a breakdown of the Bible verse1:

For we are His workmanship

The Greek word for “workmanship” is “Poiema,” which means “what is made from something already created.” God made us good, but we will become His masterpiece!

Created in Christ Jesus

The Greek word used here for “created” is “Kitizo,” meaning to bring something into existence that only God can do. We are uniquely designed and created in the image of Jesus Christ (Genesis1:26-27).

Each of us were created with different spiritual gifts, personalities, skills, and abilities that fully enable and equip us to accomplish His purpose for our lives. Through Christ, God will transform us into His masterpiece for His purposes and glory.

For good works

The Greek word used here for “good” is “Agothos,” which means good, excellent, and distinguished. God has created us for a specific purpose.

These works are not to earn salvation. Rather, these works are because we have been saved. We are blessed to be a blessing toothers!

Which God prepared beforehand

The Greek word for the phrase “prepared beforehand” is “Proietemazio.” The verb tense here is in the past. God prepared this work for us in the eternity past. He has a predetermined plan for each of us as part of his overall redemptive plan!

That we should walk in them

The Greek word for “walk in” is “Peripateo,” which means we should walk in or “do” the good works that God has prepared foreach of us.

As mentioned in an earlier post, I believe TwoTen Planning is the work that God has prepared for me to walk in. TwoTen Planning specializes in helping Christian entrepreneurs and executives to:

1) Identify and faithfully step into the life and work that God prepared beforehand (Ephesians2:10), and to

2) Use their capital to their benefit and to the advancement of God's kingdom (1 Timothy 6:18).

Simply put, we help clients align their money and life with Christ!

TwoTen Planning is a professional services firm located in Austin, TX.  We are Christ-centered, fee-only, and provide biblical financial planning, evidence-based investment management, tax services, and business consulting for a flat fee.

What makes TwoTen Planning unique?

●       We do our best work with Christ-following Entrepreneurs and Executives.

●       Biblical financial planning and evidence-based investment management

●       Tax planning and preparation included

●       Business consulting for entrepreneurs

●       Mostly Virtual

●       Flat fee pricing (no sales, only solutions)

●       Location-independent (serving clients nationwide)

●       Fiduciary



1Fey, Marc, et al. 210 Project. Discover Your Place In God's Story - Handout Section. Alliance Publishing Group, 2011,p. 4.


All investing involves risk, including the potential loss of principal. There is no guarantee that any investment plan or strategy will be successful.

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“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”

-Ephesians 2:10